Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació


Unemployed people
220 hours
100% subsidised


Acquire a satisfactory degree of mastery of the communicative competence in a foreign language (English) in oral and written comprehension, oral expression and interaction and written expression, which allows a certain autonomy in situations of daily life and an initiation in other communication situations less common, adequately and in a standard language.

Who is the public target?

The course is aimed primarily at unemployed people.

Access requirements

– Not having the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Level 2 or 3 professional certificate
  • Certificate of access to a higher degree course.
  • University entrance exam for those over 25 and / or 45 years old.

– Not having passed the tests of key competences of foreign language (English) of level 3.

– Not having an accredited level of English B1 or higher.


  • Use of linguistic functions and socio-cultural aspects in English communication situations.
  • Grammatical and phonetic elements in the use of the English language.
  • Development of language skills for listening, speaking and conversing.
  • Development of language skills for reading and writing.
  • Techniques for searching, processing and presenting information


This course program will provide students the necessary training to be able to take the MCERL level B1 official accreditation tests.

At the end of the training, an official certificate is obtained from the SOC and the Ministerio de Empleo y la Seguridad Social detailing the skills acquired during the training.


(CAT) De dilluns a divendres de 9 a 14h


(CAT) Semipresencial (exàmens finals presencials)
